FX1 Pro
FX1Pro is a powerful platform built to support the activities of a crypto exchange. They offer a number of trading and investment accounts for both experienced and inexperienced traders and investors. Their particular pride is the managed accounts they offer for those who lack knowledge of the crypto industry and crypto investing.
Their focus is on making a good introduction into the cryptocurrency world and the exchange and presenting their team of experts.
The Logo
The logo combines colors blue, green, and white which are the most relaxing colors of the spectrum. When finances are at stake, it is important to stay calm, think clearly, and feel secure. This is exactly what the three colors offer. The chart symbol used as a part of the logo represents the exchange.
The color scheme
Following the color pattern of the logo, the website also uses several shades of blue as the dominant color, combined with white/grey and accentuated by green. Apart from the implementation of the color psychology in hopes to achieve the effects as described in the logo section, the colors were also chosen in order to get the best type of background for presenting the content of the website clearly. This way, the pages do not look too “busy” and viewers are less inclined to navigate away from it.
Sky Blue
RGB (67, 179, 229)
Dark Navy
rgb (30, 35, 53)
Lime Green
rgb (119, 152, 39)
The purpose of the homepage is to update those who are already involved with the platform and educate those who are considering it. It focuses on well-organized visual elements, vividly outlining transition from one section onto another. The visual elements are accompanied by copy which lists key points of the purpose of the platform, as well as further elaborates into some of the sections.

Other pages
Each of the pages shares a similar trait, they are all very concise and focused on informing and educating. The pages which talk about FX1pro services present the accounts available, the advantages of the platform, and give details on each of the services. However, a lot of the focus is on education so there is a lot of information about the cryptocurrencies and crypto exchanges in general. Each of the pages starts with the main idea and evolves to show all of the major points involved in it.

Digital Marketing
The goal of the digital marketing campaign was to generate 15% of the target lead through digital channels. This was meant to be achieved through improved UX which was expected to result in reduced bounce rate. In addition, the major concern was to increase the conversion rate by improving credibility and the usefulness of the platform in the eyes of the users, as well as improve SERP rankings by the strategic implementation of the “cryptocurrency trading” related keywords in the target market.
30% of all leads was meant to be gathered through organic traffic by the implementation of improved content in terms of SEO around carefully selected keywords. We also focused on local leads through channels such as adwords, geo-targeting, geographic social communities etc. Finally, we included the website in the relevant business listings e.g Google business, Yahoo business listings, and Bing.
Last but not the least, we have focused on the social networks in order to strengthen the brand and spread the word of mouth. Social media as a marketing channel has resources for attracting new leads, as well as, retargeting missed ones. It gives an opportunity for building a community which is in its own way essential for the growth of the lead base for this type of business, as well as improve the sense of reliability with the users through improved credibility.